The cities of Den Haag, Helsinki, Leeds, Livorno,
Newcastle Upon Tyne and Rome have combined their
efforts to demonstrate how the quality of life of
the less-favoured European citizen in urban
areas, could be improved by providing integrated
social, health and local civic teleservices,
using generic multi-media telematics value-added
delivery systems.
During the first stage of the
project 6 demonstrators were implemented and
validated independently in the six EU city sites
during relatively large scaled trials with
end-user groups (20 - 50 per site for dedicated
applications and 500 - 5000 for generic
services), using mature technologies such as
TELETEXT and the World Wide Web, to network
owners, suppliers and research organisations
developing services at the leading edge of
technology such as interactive cable TV and ATM
service networks. At the end of the project this
6 multi-purpose delivery mechanisms will be
enriched by migrated applications from and to the
partner cities.
The outputs of EQUALITY are two fold.
- the demonstration across the union that cities can begin to migrate their systems to teleservice provision along a logical and consistent development path leading to ATM switched interactive broadband networks and beyond at an entry cost of under 10,000 ECU per region (for TELETEXT or World Wide Web based services) migrating through 2-way cable TV and ISDN services as services develop, development thresholds reached and funding becomes available.
- the conversion tools to and from other European Standard Systems. These will be used in prototype form within the project and will be available as final products within six months of the completion of the project.
Check out the Equality deliverables at the TURA Web site. Click here.